Friday, July 29, 2011

Reflections On A Summer Night...

So work is crazy, but that's as usual.

I'm back on the healthy eating bandwagon. You know the one, eating all of my fruits and vegetable servings. I've even cut back on my tea habit - not because of caffeine, but because of the sugar. Did I get the added bonus of falling asleep earlier? Why no, no I did not. This is neither good, nor bad. It just is.

In other news, I spent the last few hours moving my best friend out of her parents' house. Tomorrow she will drive the 5 hours with her boyfriend and move into her new apartment. The following day she starts her new job. woohoo!!! And my brother, and nephews, are coming into town tomorrow!!! I'm so excited!!!

There is probably more to say, but I'm sleepy. And by that, I mean I will read for another hour before falling asleep.

Friday, July 22, 2011

I've got skillz

For the record: I'm 5'3". Technically speaking, 5'3.25".
So I'm short.

And I walked into a support beam yesterday.

Yep. Skillz.

I felt pretty stellar all day. Until I got to work and was moving much faster than I had been moving at home. Running up and down and all around. And then my head started to feel funny.

I wouldn't say I'm concussed. I would say that this is the closest I've come to being concussed. I slept through the night last evening and I'm still alive, so no worries folks. Unfortunately, I had wanted to work on a few things tonight. Instead here I sit, waiting for the acetaminophen I took to kick in. Maybe then I will be able to fall asleep. Here's to good books, deep sleep, and feeling better tomorrow. *cross your fingers*

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Trish and I love to sing at work. She starts it 90% of the time. (You can tell how long she's been at work by a) how much she is singing and b) how badly she is botching the lyrics.) We listen to Muzak. Our subscription has some ridiculous amount of stations, which we change all the time because the staff in the two portions of the pharmacy can never agree on what to listen to. Normally the front staff puts on 80s or alternative, while the back staff puts on contemporary pop (ranging from good, ok, I-can-deal-with-it, and bad) or country.

We sang this one on Wednesday. Botched it pretty badly too, might I add.

I finally caved, somehow managed to figure out the band and song title, and looked up the actual lyrics. I'm a chronic repeat listener. And this song is my new obsession! (You know, for a few days anyway...)

Fridays are my double-days. I go in for a shift in the back, and then stay for a shift in the front. The back is always interesting. It is quite different from working in the front. The best quote from yesterday was: "I want to go swimming in Prilosec." Work is definitely always an experience, and normally a good one at that. In the back, I get to be the runner, from the main back area to the drive-through area. Which is nice: there are steps and if we are busy enough (which, on Fridays, we always are) it's like I'm getting paid to work out. :-) There's a little, teeny-tiny window at the drive-through. Everyone who works in the back are short, petite women. This is important because we can fit through the window. At some point every shift, I find myself standing on the tips of my toes so I can fit my entire torso out the window and lean over to the customer's car. (It must be some undefined law of nature: customers always pull too close to the window or too far from the window. there is no middle-ground.) As I'm going through this routine, I always inevitably crack myself up. I feel like I'm in The Wizard of Oz, running around shouting "don't pay attention to the man behind the curtain." And the man behind the curtain is, of course, me.

These references are becoming pretty typical for me. On Tuesday I burst out laughing because a customer has a voice/oration very similar to Templeton the Rat in Charlotte's Web. He really reminds me of the scene after Templeton has been to the fair. "What a night! Never have I seen such leavings! Everything well ripened, seasoned with the passage of time and the heat of the day. Oh, it was rich, my friends. Rich!" I really wanted to show that scene, but this will have to do... (And no worries, the customer had exited the building before my little laughter episode. And poor Trish had absolutely no idea what I was talking about.) I must say that random childhood memories do make life much more interesting though. :-)

True Story...

...I think I'm in love...

Kim and I got our pictures with Ryan!!!
And then she lost her camera...

That happens a lot.
For instance, this ...uh... gem is from my 22nd birthday.
Which none of us saw for a full two years later. Kim found it when she was getting ready to move to Philadelphia.

Attractive, no?

And yes, my friend is passed out. And yes, I am leaning her against the building in the alley.
Sometimes we forgive Kim for losing her camera...

Friday, July 1, 2011

Happiness Is...

So last Friday I did something very out of character for myself: I went shopping for clothes.

True Story!

I love shopping as much as the next girl, but, for a perfect storm of circumstances, I just haven't gone shopping. The last time I went shopping, it was because I needed an outfit for the rehearsal dinner for Katie's wedding. Which was Thanksgiving weekend. In November. I know what you're doing. You're adding the months in your head. Why yes, that is 7 months sans-shopping. (I must admit, I've impressed myself with that shopping-free stint.)

And what a shopping trip it was. Less than $40 on two tops, two pairs of work pants, two pairs of pajama pants and a pair of sneakers.

Happiness is: #1. a pair of new shoes!

This is true: firstly, because I'm female. need I really say more? secondly, because I'm some sort of pseudo-runner. and thirdly, because I've had this nasty tendinitis in my left foot that has been nagging me off and on since the last half marathon. [side note: I've actually been religiously wearing a brace to work every day for the last month or so! but the tendinitis I have has an especially slow recovery time, so I'll probably be wearing the brace for a really, really, really long time. upside: it's a soft brace, so it's not like I'm walking around with a cam boot on my foot. :-P ]

Happiness is: #2. lots of reading time!

This is true: At this time in two weeks, I will have seen the last installment of the Harry Potter movie franchise!!! I'm currently reading book 4 (out of 7). Every day, before and/or after work, I unplug from the matrix of technology and just read. Within my circle of friends there is an impending divorce, an upcoming first date, second military deployment, and brother coming out of the closet. None of these directly involve me: I've just got crazy coworkers. At any rate, my cell phone can and will explode at random points throughout the day. Devoting so much time to reading has been an immensely enjoyable escape! (And of course I've been working on a costume for the Harry Potter premiere as well... pictures to come later.)

Happiness is: #3. spring cleaning. again!

I'm an addict. A cleaning addict. The more stuff I get rid of, the more stuff I get rid of. In the event I move across the country, I have every intention of fitting everything I take with me in one car. Ah, to be young, single and unencumbered! This obsession is fed by my bizarre fascination with Clean House (along with Hoarders, and Hoarding: Buried Alive). Last night was the Clean House: Messiest Home in the Country 5 episode. Highlighting lots of clutter and family dysfunction, what else could be more motivating? The youngest daughter was 19 and had never lived in a clean house! yikes!!! And then, on the website they have video footage from 20 or so families whose homes are just as disastrous but didn't make the show! How much stuff can people really own? Apparently, an awful lot. I see it with crazy lady. One day she asked me for advice on how to get rid of stuff. The next day I saw her buying more stuff. Sheesh! On the upside, I've got a friend and her husband to at least start going through their stuff. She has been making offhanded comments about clutter for quite some time. Last weekend they finally attacked their closets! Even my mother, who is quite the pack rat, has started letting stuff go. Amazing!

One thing that is not so happy about spring cleaning: self induced allergy attacks. yuck!

Anyway, I'm off. I get to present a project I've been working on to the CEO at work today. I'm not looking forward to it, but I'm looking forward to it being over!