Thursday, October 31, 2013


Sometimes when I begin typing "google" into the address bar, it defaults to "" this makes my heart happy. so happy.

It's Halloween in America. Happy Halloween, I guess. I like Halloween in that it triggers memories of my childhood, colonial America, and history. I automatically associate Halloween with The Crucible, the Salem Witch Trials, The Village, etc. The Crucible is much cooler than wandering the streets in costumes and eating junk candy, in my opinion. In other context, Halloween means two very important things: Thanksgiving is coming, and it is (mostly) socially acceptable to listen to Christmas music. Happy Times.

Speaking of Thanksgiving, American Thanksgiving comes late this year. Not until November 28th. That is nearly a month away. In my disgust of nothing worthwhile being on TV, and in combination with my desire to abandon everything I cling to from the past, I unplugged my TV and DVD player. I plan on hiding the remotes, I just haven't decided on the best place. I won't have any reason to watch TV until Thanksgiving, when I will probably want to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade for nostalgia, if nothing else. I'm hoping this will also help me tame the demon "want" by limiting the amount of advertisements that I see/hear on a daily basis. Despite my intentions, it's been quite some time since I've had a proper TV fast. I'm not sure how it will go, or how it will make me feel but I'm optimistic.

I am optimistic in general in spite of being constantly heartbroken. The other day I was reading something my friend Jayme had posted about the chocolate industry and slave labor in Africa. It literally made me sick to my stomach and needless to say I am figuring out how I can transition to only fair-trade chocolate. God is changing my heart. I'm surrounded by so much that has little to no impact on my life. God is encouraging me to learn how to love more by loving less. Loving less "things" will allow me to direct more love towards people and into relationships. Things are such a drain. They drain your focus, time, energy. Things need maintained. Things cling onto your soul so tightly so that you think you need them. Because you "might use them one day" or because you think they make you, or your life, better. I see people who cling onto everything so tightly because "they might use it one day." They have so many things that they end up not using anything. I am human. I like things. I like having things. Even when I don't use them. Even when they don't make my life better. But I want to love God more. I want to put more energy into my relationships than into maintaining my things. Having things is work. You have to maintain them, organize them, and they don't give you anything in return. Relationships with people need maintained as well, but at least there is give and take. I want to live a bold life for God, with less, and less, and less things until I can fit all of my belongings, give or take, into a suitcase. Having a great number of things is a burden, but choosing to not have a great number of things is also a burden. I have to constantly be on guard, remind my head that my heart does not need that "life changing" thing. That possessions do not improve my life, that relationships do. And that I can't take things to heaven when I go. One item at a time, I will eventually get there. My heart will get a little closer to where God is leading me.

Friday, October 11, 2013

my extended African family

It's the Hands at Work USA Family Reunion weekend! It is the first time all of the USA advocates are getting together. Not everyone can make it unfortunately, but I'm excited. I've only met a handful of people in person. I've messaged a handful of others on Facebook. But today is the day. Today I am driving to the Pittsburgh Airport, after stopping at my brothers to drop off a few things, and flying to Chicago. I was planning on taking a shuttle by myself, but Sara called me yesterday with some news. I'm landing in Chicago at the right time. If all goes well, I will meet up with our founder, George, who is visiting from Africa and three other Americans and we will all take a hired van together. I am excited about this weekend. For everyone I will meet and for the stories we will share.

I am not looking forward to the last 30 minutes of my drive to the airport. I am praying it will be swift and stress free with no major hiccups. George says: "if you are comfortable in your life, then you are relying on yourself rather than on God..." WELL I will definitely be relying on God to get me through the morning rush hour on my way to the airport. yikes... prayers for safe travels for everyone traveling to and from the reunion this weekend are appreciated!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

What I've been up to: 200th post and embrace change

When did October get here? Oh yeah, yesterday...

and btw this is my 200th post (well, my 200th since deleting my whole blog and starting over... but it's the little things in life)

I have told myself that I have been embracing change since coming home. I want to live a different life and I want to live a life open, and ready, to return to Africa if given the chance. So while I have been going through all of my material things and letting go, God has upped the anti. I will be the first to admit: I never replace technology. I have had the same television since 1996. Yes, I watch it - although I haven't been watching as much recently, and yes it still works! No static or discoloration. And I have the same VHS/DVD player that I have had since 2002. It is starting to be finicky. Sometimes it won't accept tapes or DVDs to play, and sometimes it will even turn itself off during the opening ads! But the oldest is my stereo/cassette tape/CD player, which I have had since sometime before I even had the television. The radio still works, as does the tape deck, but in the last two weeks, as I was watching less TV and listening to more CDs, the CD deck decided to stop working. So I decided to box up all my CDs and put them away in my closet. The box ended up sitting out for a day because the box wasn't quite big enough to fit them all in, it was honestly just 2 or 3 items over, but that was enough to bug me. I left it sitting out and in the next day or so I cracked and decided to see how many could be sold. Because if I move to Africa, what good will a old pile of CDs be? Especially in the age of Pandora, Youtube, iTunes/iPods... Embrace change. I really haven't been watching much TV or movies. I plan on doing the same thing with my DVDs, there are some, that I love so much or that are hard to find, that I will keep for now. The rest I will try to sell. Because I don't really need them. Because I need to embrace change.

Most recently, I've been having some tank issues. With my fish tank. Some people may not know, or may have forgotten, but I have had an aquarium for the last 8 years. I have had the same fish for the last 8 years. I recently picked up a few new ones though, and I'm not sure if it was the new fish or something else, but my tank became comprimised by a disease. Despite treating the tank, the fish didn't make it - I'm left with two snails that were moved into a smaller aquarium. I thought about getting new fish, but my heart longs for Africa and if I go back, it would be incredibly selfish of me to expect someone else to take care of my fish. I lucked out on the last trip because my catfish were so low maintenance, but if I got new fish they'd be different. As cute and fun as fish can be, I have to empty the tank and let it go. Move on to something new. Prepare my life for the possibility of Africa. Embrace change. The Bible talks about letting go of the past, of leaving our childish ways behind. I need to challege myself to live as God wants me to live, not as I want to live. My aquarium may bring me short-lived joy, but it distracts me from the world outside my house and does not aid my walk with Christ.

"Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." -Philippians 3:13-14 [ESV]

Let go of the past. Embrace change. You all know this started with clothes. My closet and dresser bursting with options. So many options that I didn't know my options. And a simple question: "Who would I be without (all of) my clothes?" The clothes went out the door. To various charities where they could be passed on to those in need. And my bookshelves, overflowing with text books and novels. Asking myself when the last time I read this was, and would I read it if I had the time? And so the books went to charity. The novels and fiction and childrens stories anyway. Some of the text books did, others I held on to. Over the last three years, I had held on to my college text books. I hadn't opened them, or even glanced at them. Yet the took up a large amount of space. An entire row on my bookshelf. The nagging question again: "Who would I be without my textbooks?" and even worse "Why am I keeping them? What sense of security can I find in a book?" But I did. I was a person in their twenties who has for most of my life done 'the right thing.' I have done what was expected. I got good grades in high school. Went on to college and studied diligently. So much of my identity in my young life was wrapped around my academic career. Despite working full time the last three years, I was still clinging to those books. Despite the fact that grad school isn't a realistic option at the moment. Despite that, even if it was, I would go into a slightly different focus. Much internal debate ensued. While I was selling my CDs last week, I sold the books as well.

So here I am. Slowly, so very slowly, turning my back on the ways of the world. Realizing my worth, my security is not in material things. My security must be in Christ alone, because He is the only thing in the world that does not change. As Lynn put it, I need to stop holding on to my life so tightly. I need to remember that it's not really mine. In a way I'm scared, because after letting go of the 'big three' (textbooks, CDs and fishtank) only God knows what I'll get rid of next. I don't want to own a ton of material things that limit my potential. I want a life that I can fit in a suitcase. Ever since I was little I was fascinated with the disciples. I mean really fascinated. I would sit for hours thinking about what they did, about what it would really be like to follow that call: to get rid of all your possessions and leave everything you knew to follow Jesus. I'm open for the possibility. I want the possibility, but it can still be overwhelming to consider. I'm not sure I really can consider it. So instead, I sell my CDs and empty my fishtank and hope that when Jesus calls I'll be ready to follow Him to the ends of the earth.