Happy Tuesday!!!
I finally had enough. The thought of training for a half marathon with my uber-long hair was just too much. I was going crazy at work. Immediately after work, I met up with Jenna and I donated my hair to Locks of Love. And I love it!!! It's short, sleek and just so fun! [The hostess of the hair salon had asked if I was going to go through with it. Many of my coworkers asked why I wanted to get rid of my hair. One even told me not to, because it was too pretty. My hair was pretty, but it was driving me crazy! At least now someone who cannot grow their own hair has the chance of owning a wig made from my hair.] Trust me, I have no regrets!
I'm really tired, and Wednesdays are my 10 hour days. Boo... This is just a quick post because I need to get to sleep ASAP.
On a happier note: Today's Favorite? My Birthday Flowers!!!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Here We Go Again...
There are many things I should probably get off my chest now, but only one comes to mind...
I know, I know. I booked myself a "vacation." But the longer I thought about it, the worse it sounded. I mean honestly, I'm supposed to do nothing for an entire week? SO... I signed up for a half marathon!!! YAY!!! After all, nothing says rest and relaxation like a little bling! ;-) And when one part of your life lets you down, you have to make up for it somewhere.
So blog-world, come join me! There are 10 weeks between me and my next 13.1 mile adventure! I have to warn you, I still don't call myself a runner. I'm just a person who occasionally runs half marathons. NBD. I'm clumsy and injury prone and absolutely have issues breaking through the mental task of running. But over the next 10 weeks you'll get an idea of my training schedule, my goals and failures, and how even the non-athletes win big when we somehow dig deeper.
Here are my current running shoes: Brooks Glycerin 8. I've already completed a half marathon with these babies. I will retire them with the next half marathon. This morning I also ordered shoes (same exact shoe, same make, different color) because if I trained in these babies alone I'd use up their remaining mileage before the next race. Here's a tip: if you're a novice runner, or a runner on a budget, I bought another pair of Glycerin 8s even though the Glycerin 9s are out now. Typically you can save about $50 if you buy the previous years new release. Check out running warehouse type stores, or even the name brand website, for reduced merchandise. And if you've never had your gait analyzed, what are you waiting for! It helps you find the perfect shoe, providing more comfortable running for you and for your body!
I know, I know. I booked myself a "vacation." But the longer I thought about it, the worse it sounded. I mean honestly, I'm supposed to do nothing for an entire week? SO... I signed up for a half marathon!!! YAY!!! After all, nothing says rest and relaxation like a little bling! ;-) And when one part of your life lets you down, you have to make up for it somewhere.
So blog-world, come join me! There are 10 weeks between me and my next 13.1 mile adventure! I have to warn you, I still don't call myself a runner. I'm just a person who occasionally runs half marathons. NBD. I'm clumsy and injury prone and absolutely have issues breaking through the mental task of running. But over the next 10 weeks you'll get an idea of my training schedule, my goals and failures, and how even the non-athletes win big when we somehow dig deeper.
Here are my current running shoes: Brooks Glycerin 8. I've already completed a half marathon with these babies. I will retire them with the next half marathon. This morning I also ordered shoes (same exact shoe, same make, different color) because if I trained in these babies alone I'd use up their remaining mileage before the next race. Here's a tip: if you're a novice runner, or a runner on a budget, I bought another pair of Glycerin 8s even though the Glycerin 9s are out now. Typically you can save about $50 if you buy the previous years new release. Check out running warehouse type stores, or even the name brand website, for reduced merchandise. And if you've never had your gait analyzed, what are you waiting for! It helps you find the perfect shoe, providing more comfortable running for you and for your body!
Monday, August 29, 2011
Belated Birthday
“Every day is a new beginning. Treat it that way. Stay away from what might have been, and look at what can be.” –Marsha Petrie Sue
After such a crummy week, I got to spend the day getting a little TLC and girl time with my best friend. Her sweet boyfriend even put up with me in my semi-bummed state, and paid for all of our desserts. We went to Bravo! in Pittsburgh. I got chocolate lava cake with vanilla-bean gelati topped with chocolate sauce! Yum! It wasn't the perfect chocolate cake of my dream... but it was definitely a worthy runner-up!
Now I begin another crazy work week. Chinese leftovers for lunch today - yes!!! And going to the track to run off said leftovers after work - double yes!!! I'm scheduled all six days this week, and I've scheduled myself four runs. Just short, 3 mile stints. More to unwind after work, and mental health, than anything else. I will not be hitting any new PRs this week. I'm crazy enough to work a full day, including at least one more 10hr shift, and then go to the track. My runs this week are just about getting to the track and slow, enjoyable runs.
Also, *gasp* I'm going to be cutting out some computer time. What? Yes, it's true. The more time I need to spend on my computer at work (which is...well, quite a lot) the less I want to stare at this screen when I get home. But no worries, I will still make time for my blog. Aside from my running plans, I'm still feeling quite deflated. I'm hoping to perk up a bit with a lovely fall candle scent (orange and cinnamon), lots of movies and even some "reality" television. So bad, but so good. Definitely my guilty pleasure. And I have no qualms admitting that. While I realize these shows are #1 not reality and #2 just pathetic, I also realize that the people in my life who are most prone to criticizing these programs are also those who watch lewd humor that I don't find enjoyable. I do want to limit television for the record, but as I pointed out to my guy friend, for the time being these shows are comfort food in the form of television. So here's to watching bad "reality" television while knocking off another to do list or two. And finding a new home for George. (more on that later) Because otherwise I'm going to bust out the Christmas tree. And it's not even September just yet...
Lastly, my pastor announced he is leaving our church. He has been here for 18 years. It will be at best a challenging transition, and will definitely require a lot of change, soul searching, pruning, and growing.
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us..." -Hebrews 12:1
food food food,
girls night out,
run run run,
tough times,
Saturday, August 27, 2011
"The medicine of life is to have true faithful friends."
Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind.
"Pooh!" he whispered.
"Yes, Piglet?"
"Nothing," said Piglet, taking Pooh's paw.
"I just wanted to be sure of you."This week was the pits. Just crummy all around. Luckily, my best friend came home to escape Hurricane Irene. She didn't actually know how bummed I had felt this week. An hour on the phone, two movies, birthday cake and Chinese takeout later... I'm feeling somewhat back to myself. And since last week was my birthday, we are going out tonight to celebrate. And get this amazing chocolate cake. I'll definitely write about that, OR I will write about how they convinced me to go to a different restaurant. If that happens, we'll see. At any rate, I am so happy for good friends who are there to help you through tough times.
"A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words." -Bernard Meltzer
"In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit." -Albert Schweitzer
Friday, August 26, 2011
Faith Hope Love
Faith is daring the soul to go beyond what the eyes can see.
Hope is putting Faith to work when doubting would be easier.
Where there is Love, there are miracles.
Faith is daring the soul to go beyond what the eyes can see.
Hope is putting Faith to work when doubting would be easier.
Where there is Love, there are miracles.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
"Any coward can fight a battle when he's sure of winning; but give me the man who has pluck to fight when he's sure of losing." -George Eliot
Sometimes it feels like I can't win. Not ever. Even in my dreams. Last night I had a dream where the thing I wanted most in the world was retreating. Just far enough to be out of reach.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Try, Try Again
Today was another long day. 10hrs. Rough.
Highlights: return of the compression garments! feeding the robot (and feeding it again), and remembering to be kind. Especially to not misplace blame.
Life has been a bit rocky lately. My grandfather is in the hospital, my best friend's grandfather is dying of cancer, my coworker's grandfather became infected with gangrene and her grandmother (his wife) has been having issues regulating blood sugar. Expecting one result but receiving another. It's all tough to swallow.
I'm generally an open book. I'm not very good at keeping secrets or lying. I tend to lay it out and say how it is. (I was told I should never go into counseling once, or twice...) I am admittedly brash sometimes. These things generally don't cause any problems. As I'm getting older and becoming more responsible, I have begun to wonder if I'm too straight forward. I was thinking earlier today, wondering whether I see too many things in black and white. I focus on simple extremes more often than the complicated, messy grey areas. But life isn't that simple. It isn't black and white.
So now I wait. Wait for the grey areas to clear. To show some allegiance to white or black. I remember the words of "the Great One", Wayne Gretsky: “You miss 100% of the shots you never take.” I remember that I at least took the shot. And hope against hope in the meantime...
Highlights: return of the compression garments! feeding the robot (and feeding it again), and remembering to be kind. Especially to not misplace blame.
Life has been a bit rocky lately. My grandfather is in the hospital, my best friend's grandfather is dying of cancer, my coworker's grandfather became infected with gangrene and her grandmother (his wife) has been having issues regulating blood sugar. Expecting one result but receiving another. It's all tough to swallow.
I'm generally an open book. I'm not very good at keeping secrets or lying. I tend to lay it out and say how it is. (I was told I should never go into counseling once, or twice...) I am admittedly brash sometimes. These things generally don't cause any problems. As I'm getting older and becoming more responsible, I have begun to wonder if I'm too straight forward. I was thinking earlier today, wondering whether I see too many things in black and white. I focus on simple extremes more often than the complicated, messy grey areas. But life isn't that simple. It isn't black and white.
So now I wait. Wait for the grey areas to clear. To show some allegiance to white or black. I remember the words of "the Great One", Wayne Gretsky: “You miss 100% of the shots you never take.” I remember that I at least took the shot. And hope against hope in the meantime...
Mug of hot tea. impending 10 hr work day. I'm tired just thinking about it...
it will be spent with my awesome coworkers, including another night with Trish. I guess I can't really complain too much. :-P
And on the upside, and my favorite thing for today!: Last night I slept on freshly laundered sheets! soft and snuggle worthy! [not something to be thinking about before a 10 hr shift... :-/ ]
it will be spent with my awesome coworkers, including another night with Trish. I guess I can't really complain too much. :-P
And on the upside, and my favorite thing for today!: Last night I slept on freshly laundered sheets! soft and snuggle worthy! [not something to be thinking about before a 10 hr shift... :-/ ]
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
"A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book." -Irish Proverb
Oh my goodness. My work hours have begun to send me to that place where I laugh at the littlest things. Out of exhaustion, or maybe just because.
Today I was working with a particular brand of women's shape wear. You know, those compression garments ladies wear under their clothes. This particular company was the original shape wear brand, and the mark that everyone else is chasing. Anway... Well, I was marking down some Size G items. Yes, Size G. Let's just say, I'm 5'3" and I'd have to weigh 295lbs to fit into a Size G. I'm sure this sounded like a good idea... First of all, you can't discriminate based on size. Second of all, I'm sure they thought it was going to be this great, empowering thing for women. So that they could feel beautiful regardless of size. But really? If I actually weighed 295lbs, why would I want to put on this garment? The mere thought sounds reminiscent of stuffing sausage meat into casing... and too tight casing at that! It doesn't sound comfortable! Not to mention that if I was that weight, and I was unhappy with that weight, would I really expect a compression garment to help magically make myself happy with myself? Please... Anyway, yes. I laughed over these garments. To the point that Trish was staring at with with that look. You know the one. The "what the hell is wrong with you" look. I was to the point that I was almost crying from laughing so hard! [Note: If you want to wear these, great! More power to you. If you work out in addition to wearing these garments, even better! I'm afraid they just aren't for me.]
After that little incident... Next was the fax machine. I was faxing an order to one of my most favorite reps! And it was a disaster. It was just one of those days. Nothing was going "right". I normally work in the front of the building and the fax machine is in the back of the building. So I had to walk back and forth every time I tried to resend it. Needless to say I talked to him on the phone three times before the order was finally squared away... I know this rep very well because he works for several companies, in addition to having his own stores. I work with him very closely on one company in particular. And luckily, he likes me. :-)
As trying as the day was, it was good to laugh. With everyone pulling extra hours, and tensions running high, it's easy to get caught up in the stress. It was nice to laugh over something completely ridiculous and remember that my job is in fact just a job. Life goes on. Cue next quote:
"At the height of laughter, the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities." -Jean Houston
Also, yesterday at work, my boss asked me to show an older coworker, who shall remain unnamed, how to use Facebook. If you knew this coworker... needless to say, laughter abounded!
Today I was working with a particular brand of women's shape wear. You know, those compression garments ladies wear under their clothes. This particular company was the original shape wear brand, and the mark that everyone else is chasing. Anway... Well, I was marking down some Size G items. Yes, Size G. Let's just say, I'm 5'3" and I'd have to weigh 295lbs to fit into a Size G. I'm sure this sounded like a good idea... First of all, you can't discriminate based on size. Second of all, I'm sure they thought it was going to be this great, empowering thing for women. So that they could feel beautiful regardless of size. But really? If I actually weighed 295lbs, why would I want to put on this garment? The mere thought sounds reminiscent of stuffing sausage meat into casing... and too tight casing at that! It doesn't sound comfortable! Not to mention that if I was that weight, and I was unhappy with that weight, would I really expect a compression garment to help magically make myself happy with myself? Please... Anyway, yes. I laughed over these garments. To the point that Trish was staring at with with that look. You know the one. The "what the hell is wrong with you" look. I was to the point that I was almost crying from laughing so hard! [Note: If you want to wear these, great! More power to you. If you work out in addition to wearing these garments, even better! I'm afraid they just aren't for me.]
After that little incident... Next was the fax machine. I was faxing an order to one of my most favorite reps! And it was a disaster. It was just one of those days. Nothing was going "right". I normally work in the front of the building and the fax machine is in the back of the building. So I had to walk back and forth every time I tried to resend it. Needless to say I talked to him on the phone three times before the order was finally squared away... I know this rep very well because he works for several companies, in addition to having his own stores. I work with him very closely on one company in particular. And luckily, he likes me. :-)
As trying as the day was, it was good to laugh. With everyone pulling extra hours, and tensions running high, it's easy to get caught up in the stress. It was nice to laugh over something completely ridiculous and remember that my job is in fact just a job. Life goes on. Cue next quote:
"At the height of laughter, the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities." -Jean Houston
Also, yesterday at work, my boss asked me to show an older coworker, who shall remain unnamed, how to use Facebook. If you knew this coworker... needless to say, laughter abounded!
Monday, August 22, 2011
Monday, Monday
Back to the daily grind. I slept in a bit, and it was an enjoyable sort of sleep, thank goodness. I'm still reeling a bit from this weekend, but have to push through. I'm on my second mug of hot tea and partially through my medium length to-do list. At least I'm awake and moving. I had the worst headache yesterday. It just kept getting worse. As I was trying to fall asleep, with the oddest feeling of discomfort on the left side of my head, I had to wonder if I didn't have some sort of pending brain aneurysm. But here I am, arteries still intact (unfortunately so is the headache) and in working order. Speaking of work: it will be a little less hectic this week, that is at least in terms of hours. So I intend on crossing off a lot of to-dos outside of work. And running. A lot. And then some more.
"Don't worry about losing. If it is right, it happens - The Main thing is not to hurry. Nothing good gets away." -John Steinbeck
"Don't worry about losing. If it is right, it happens - The Main thing is not to hurry. Nothing good gets away." -John Steinbeck
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Baby Steps!
So on a more positive note, I was looking back through my weight journal.
[Explanation: I was MUCH healthier in high school and the beginning of college. During a relationship, and after the breakup that followed, I gained weight. A fairly significant amount of weight, especially considering my height and build. Despite completing two half marathons, I still feel like an unhealthier version of my former self. I have a spiral bound notebook that I track weight, measurements, and BMI. My reason for tracking measurements is focused around waist circumference and it's relationship with other health conditions. I am not chasing an unrealistic, Hollywood ideal. I am chasing a healthier version of myself that I know is realistic because I have achieved it in the past. A version of myself that includes lower body weight, but also reduced need for my emergency inhaler, more energy, and better self image.]
So I have been trying to make healthier decisions and I have a goal weight. [Calculated Ideal Body Weight + 10%, which is considered in the medical community to be the actual appropriate IBW for females.] Being that I went almost two months without running at all this summer, I'm nowhere near where I hope to be. But, thanks to jotting down numbers in my journal, I was flipping back and I realized that since May I have lost 10lbs and 1.5" off of my waist! Not too shabby! It is a beginning...
[Explanation: I was MUCH healthier in high school and the beginning of college. During a relationship, and after the breakup that followed, I gained weight. A fairly significant amount of weight, especially considering my height and build. Despite completing two half marathons, I still feel like an unhealthier version of my former self. I have a spiral bound notebook that I track weight, measurements, and BMI. My reason for tracking measurements is focused around waist circumference and it's relationship with other health conditions. I am not chasing an unrealistic, Hollywood ideal. I am chasing a healthier version of myself that I know is realistic because I have achieved it in the past. A version of myself that includes lower body weight, but also reduced need for my emergency inhaler, more energy, and better self image.]
So I have been trying to make healthier decisions and I have a goal weight. [Calculated Ideal Body Weight + 10%, which is considered in the medical community to be the actual appropriate IBW for females.] Being that I went almost two months without running at all this summer, I'm nowhere near where I hope to be. But, thanks to jotting down numbers in my journal, I was flipping back and I realized that since May I have lost 10lbs and 1.5" off of my waist! Not too shabby! It is a beginning...
Friday, August 19, 2011
Here's to New Adventures
Plane Ticket to Florida: Booked!!!
Happy Birthday to me!!!
It is so strange how quickly things change! An hour ago I knew I wanted to plan a trip to Florida, but my travel buddy told me a few days ago she probably couldn't make it. Then I start talking to a friend - who just booked a flight ticket to Florida 2 days ago! I didn't even know she was going - it was spur of the moment. She has a baby she'll be flying with. I didn't really want to travel alone, and I was also concerned about getting a rid to the airport for the early flight. She was very nervous about flying with her infant son. Now I have a ride to the airport for a very early check in time, and she has someone to help fly with her baby boy!!! It is crazy how life works out! And she is one of my nearest and dearest friends; I've known her since I was 13! And I was her Maid of Honor last November and planned so much of her wedding. Seriously, how many people don't plan trips together that end up being trips they take together? I'm just amazed about how quickly everything fell together... I am so blessed!!!
And I'm Florida dreamin'...
Happy Birthday to me!!!
It is so strange how quickly things change! An hour ago I knew I wanted to plan a trip to Florida, but my travel buddy told me a few days ago she probably couldn't make it. Then I start talking to a friend - who just booked a flight ticket to Florida 2 days ago! I didn't even know she was going - it was spur of the moment. She has a baby she'll be flying with. I didn't really want to travel alone, and I was also concerned about getting a rid to the airport for the early flight. She was very nervous about flying with her infant son. Now I have a ride to the airport for a very early check in time, and she has someone to help fly with her baby boy!!! It is crazy how life works out! And she is one of my nearest and dearest friends; I've known her since I was 13! And I was her Maid of Honor last November and planned so much of her wedding. Seriously, how many people don't plan trips together that end up being trips they take together? I'm just amazed about how quickly everything fell together... I am so blessed!!!
And I'm Florida dreamin'...
Here's to Life...
First up! It's the song of the Day!
So this is it.
The last few hours of life as a 25 year old. At midnight I turn 26.
Y'all know I'm a sucker for strolls down memory lane, and a blogger I love to read recently listed a reflection on her favorite college memories. My turn :-)
Freshman Year: Experiencing new things in general, lots of fall adventures, joining one club, working an event for a high profile politician (hey it was an experience!), staying up past 2AM only to have to wake up and be briefed by the FBI in a few hours, intramural soccer, meeting my first love, donating blood for the first time, and traveling by train with one of my best friends!
Sophomore Year: More of the same, dating my first love, joining a fraternity, road-tripping for an entire week, and having a solidified group of new friends.
Junior Year: A breakup that was heart wrenching and liberating at the same time, and all of the hijinx that ensued! Multiple excursions to visit friends at Pitt @ Johnstown and Penn State. Penn State homecoming, walking ALL over State College, waking up on the floor of Chris's apt, reading The Collegian the next morning... the pumpkin festival, lots and lots of hockey games, and a string of "young" decisions.
"Senior" Year: Welp... I changed my major, changed my job, quit the club and the fraternity, thanks to new major got completely new friends (again!), studied the anthropology of foods and food insecurity on a global scale, took my first trip to New Orleans to rebuild the city after Katrina (worked in Lakeview and New Orleans East) and grew up a whole lot!
"Super Senior" aka 2nd Junior Year: Met tons of new friends, fell in love with Chemistry all over again, and lived in a research lab for three months completing my HIV research, took another trip to New Orleans to rebuild the city after Katrina (worked in the 9th Ward and the 7th Ward).
"Super Super Senior" aka 2nd Senior Year: Learning who I can really count on, meeting new friends, developing deeper relationships with other friends, running my first half marathon!, Jess M having her first baby!, learning to let go and that I am better than I give myself credit for, and finally walking across the stage to receive my diploma - with my best and most loyal friends by my side!
Life Since Graduation: (Count 'em!) 4 weddings including 2 best friends from high school and 1 best friend from college, including one that I served as Maid of Honor and got to participate in an insane amount of planning, and including one with a stellar bachelorette party, completing another half marathon, traveling to VA, MD and NC, going on my first business trip and taking on many more responsibilities at work, and remembering to trust my instincts and follow my heart, regardless of what others say.
Phew! That was a lot to think about in a short time period!
Ah, memories... Here's to hoping the next year provides even better memories!
So this is it.
The last few hours of life as a 25 year old. At midnight I turn 26.
Y'all know I'm a sucker for strolls down memory lane, and a blogger I love to read recently listed a reflection on her favorite college memories. My turn :-)
Freshman Year: Experiencing new things in general, lots of fall adventures, joining one club, working an event for a high profile politician (hey it was an experience!), staying up past 2AM only to have to wake up and be briefed by the FBI in a few hours, intramural soccer, meeting my first love, donating blood for the first time, and traveling by train with one of my best friends!
Sophomore Year: More of the same, dating my first love, joining a fraternity, road-tripping for an entire week, and having a solidified group of new friends.
Junior Year: A breakup that was heart wrenching and liberating at the same time, and all of the hijinx that ensued! Multiple excursions to visit friends at Pitt @ Johnstown and Penn State. Penn State homecoming, walking ALL over State College, waking up on the floor of Chris's apt, reading The Collegian the next morning... the pumpkin festival, lots and lots of hockey games, and a string of "young" decisions.
"Senior" Year: Welp... I changed my major, changed my job, quit the club and the fraternity, thanks to new major got completely new friends (again!), studied the anthropology of foods and food insecurity on a global scale, took my first trip to New Orleans to rebuild the city after Katrina (worked in Lakeview and New Orleans East) and grew up a whole lot!
"Super Senior" aka 2nd Junior Year: Met tons of new friends, fell in love with Chemistry all over again, and lived in a research lab for three months completing my HIV research, took another trip to New Orleans to rebuild the city after Katrina (worked in the 9th Ward and the 7th Ward).
"Super Super Senior" aka 2nd Senior Year: Learning who I can really count on, meeting new friends, developing deeper relationships with other friends, running my first half marathon!, Jess M having her first baby!, learning to let go and that I am better than I give myself credit for, and finally walking across the stage to receive my diploma - with my best and most loyal friends by my side!
Life Since Graduation: (Count 'em!) 4 weddings including 2 best friends from high school and 1 best friend from college, including one that I served as Maid of Honor and got to participate in an insane amount of planning, and including one with a stellar bachelorette party, completing another half marathon, traveling to VA, MD and NC, going on my first business trip and taking on many more responsibilities at work, and remembering to trust my instincts and follow my heart, regardless of what others say.
Phew! That was a lot to think about in a short time period!
Ah, memories... Here's to hoping the next year provides even better memories!
Is Enough Enough?
I was at work yesterday. I needed a specific piece of equipment. Everyone I found was already being used. I was thinking that we needed more, until I remembered we had purchased several new ones at the beginning of the year. I suppose this case is one of those items that you find a use for even if you don't need to use it. Which made me think, if we got a dozen more of said item, would that be enough? Or would we just find more things to use them for, and need even more?
Is enough ever really enough?
Last night I was looking through my fabric stash. I've always sewn: pajama pants, quilts, blankets, pillow cases, etc. But my frequency of sewing has definitely decreased. I wanted to go through and weed out old projects that I haven't (and would probably never) finish, and keep stuff that I thought I might actually use. There were a few patterns that I liked. Is that enough? Does liking a pattern actually ensure I'll use it? And back on the topic of work, we get in lots of items. Some of which I love. But does loving something mean that I need to have it? That I'll still love it when I bring it home, and see it every day? Most of the time, my answer is a resounding "No". This week my big splurge was buying myself a mug. It will be my fall mug, you see. I had four mugs and four travel mugs (so now five and four). Which is reasonable. And no worries, I've already made good use of said mug!
I still have this dream of moving out with all (or almost all) of my worldly possessions packed into one (small) car. The trouble is that the stuff I'm left with is almost all useful. This does not mean I will use it... I just have to slowly get rid of stuff. And 90% of the time, I really don't miss it once it's gone.
Is enough ever really enough?
Last night I was looking through my fabric stash. I've always sewn: pajama pants, quilts, blankets, pillow cases, etc. But my frequency of sewing has definitely decreased. I wanted to go through and weed out old projects that I haven't (and would probably never) finish, and keep stuff that I thought I might actually use. There were a few patterns that I liked. Is that enough? Does liking a pattern actually ensure I'll use it? And back on the topic of work, we get in lots of items. Some of which I love. But does loving something mean that I need to have it? That I'll still love it when I bring it home, and see it every day? Most of the time, my answer is a resounding "No". This week my big splurge was buying myself a mug. It will be my fall mug, you see. I had four mugs and four travel mugs (so now five and four). Which is reasonable. And no worries, I've already made good use of said mug!
I still have this dream of moving out with all (or almost all) of my worldly possessions packed into one (small) car. The trouble is that the stuff I'm left with is almost all useful. This does not mean I will use it... I just have to slowly get rid of stuff. And 90% of the time, I really don't miss it once it's gone.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Morning Cup
"Tea is drunk to forget the din of the world." -T'ien Yiheng
I have made it to the morning, Runner's Insomnia or no Runner's Insomnia, yet again.
I'm feeling the runs a little bit. Pain in a good way. Knowing you've challenged yourself; knowing you've pushed the limits of your body just a bit farther.
For breakfast I had a huge cinnamon roll, sold as a "capitol roll" at a local cafe. Its probably a huge amount of calories, but everybody needs to carb load now and again. And of course, I'm enjoying a wonderful cup of hot tea.
I have made it to the morning, Runner's Insomnia or no Runner's Insomnia, yet again.
I'm feeling the runs a little bit. Pain in a good way. Knowing you've challenged yourself; knowing you've pushed the limits of your body just a bit farther.
For breakfast I had a huge cinnamon roll, sold as a "capitol roll" at a local cafe. Its probably a huge amount of calories, but everybody needs to carb load now and again. And of course, I'm enjoying a wonderful cup of hot tea.
Jenna's Back!!!
Jenna is finally back!!! Once I got off of work, naturally we hit the track. Slow workout catching up with a dear friend? Awesome! What's not so awesome? Cue Runner's Insomnia!!! w00t... I knew it was coming. I've experienced it when training in the past. I hadn't expected it to make it's appearance so quickly, but alas... Tomorrow is an off day, and possibly Thursday as well - depending on how I feel after work - so that should help. And I guess I'll have to start taking melatonin again, to see if I can enable my body to unwind a bit.
So why do I continue to run when I know I'm prone to Runner's Insomnia?
For views like this...
and this...
So why do I continue to run when I know I'm prone to Runner's Insomnia?
For views like this...

and this...
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
"Earth laughs in flower."-- Ralph Waldo Emerson
"No occupation is so delightful to me as the culture of the earth, and no culture comparable to that of the garden." -Thomas Jefferson
So I have a birthday coming up. I love plants, really anything green. And I love flowers. And my dad loves to spoil me with flowers. And he knows I love orchids. I read about them. Watch videos about them. But I confess, I have yet to successfully maintain a phalaenopsis. I do have a dendrobium that is still around. As a pre-birthday present, he let me pick out these Sunday afternoon.
A standard white phalaenopsis. it is huge!
The flowering part of the spike is 17" itself!
Since that one is soooo big, I also got a miniature:
So I got the plants early Sunday afternoon. I promptly started soaking bark. Technically you aren't supposed to repot phalaenopsis when they are in bloom, but since growers insist potting orchids in sphagnum moss, because it "looks pretty", you risk root rot if you let it go. So I soaked the bark, so it's soft enough to not damage roots when you repot. I gave both orchids a bath with alcohol to kill what scale insects I could see and then sprayed them with a water/alcohol/soap mixture to hopefully kill what I missed. And then I repotted. So we'll see how they make out. But for now, I'm enjoying the blooms while they last.
So I have a birthday coming up. I love plants, really anything green. And I love flowers. And my dad loves to spoil me with flowers. And he knows I love orchids. I read about them. Watch videos about them. But I confess, I have yet to successfully maintain a phalaenopsis. I do have a dendrobium that is still around. As a pre-birthday present, he let me pick out these Sunday afternoon.
The flowering part of the spike is 17" itself!
Since that one is soooo big, I also got a miniature:
So I got the plants early Sunday afternoon. I promptly started soaking bark. Technically you aren't supposed to repot phalaenopsis when they are in bloom, but since growers insist potting orchids in sphagnum moss, because it "looks pretty", you risk root rot if you let it go. So I soaked the bark, so it's soft enough to not damage roots when you repot. I gave both orchids a bath with alcohol to kill what scale insects I could see and then sprayed them with a water/alcohol/soap mixture to hopefully kill what I missed. And then I repotted. So we'll see how they make out. But for now, I'm enjoying the blooms while they last.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Crafty Cat
One Fall Day
"Life is only as good as the memories we make."
I know I posted this same picture yesterday, but it's because I am seriously in love with it! It was taken in State College, PA on October 12, 2008. I was in town with one of my best friends for a concert. The weather was perfect, the leaves were just beginning to change colors, and I had a baking pumpkin with my name on it waiting in the car.
I have a sincere belief that memories are more beautiful through photographs. Of course, I grew up in my father's photography studio, so I might be biased. Might.
I hope to post pictures, new and old, of things in my life that I love (or have loved).
Here's a few more pictures from that weekend:
Ahhhh, I love it!!! But, I think that's enough for now.
Afterall, good things come to those who wait. ;-)

I know I posted this same picture yesterday, but it's because I am seriously in love with it! It was taken in State College, PA on October 12, 2008. I was in town with one of my best friends for a concert. The weather was perfect, the leaves were just beginning to change colors, and I had a baking pumpkin with my name on it waiting in the car.
I have a sincere belief that memories are more beautiful through photographs. Of course, I grew up in my father's photography studio, so I might be biased. Might.
I hope to post pictures, new and old, of things in my life that I love (or have loved).
Here's a few more pictures from that weekend:

Ahhhh, I love it!!! But, I think that's enough for now.
Afterall, good things come to those who wait. ;-)
Monday, August 8, 2011
Sweet, Sweet Summertime
I suck at relaxing.
I'm a planner, an organizer, and I'm currently working twice the hours I was working last month.
Which means I have a constantly evolving to-do list that I am constantly trying to check off, even when I should be unwinding after work.
Sometimes I wonder if working three jobs in college while taking a full course schedule has ruined me forever...
Thank goodness I have been blessed with the privilege of meeting young women who are much better at appreciating the small details of life than I am.
Melanie is an internet friend. We grew up going to the same summer camp, and were in the same cabin my last few years. She's from NC, but now lives in DC. [Two of my favorite places in the world.] She loves runs, coffee, and quiet mornings. I like runs, love tea, and have a sincere appreciate for her view of life.
At the moment I'm sitting. Doing absolutely nothing except for typing and drinking a cup of tea.
I was taking care of a few things. I just feel myself hitting a wall.
I have been strategically, mechanically getting rid of my possessions since last October. I've made a lot of progress, but I still have this goal of moving out with all of my possessions packed into one lone car. I have gotten a break recently. I reread the entire Harry Potter series. There is no escape like that of a good book. But now I feel sluggish. I'm having difficulty getting myself back "on track."
Which, naturally irks me to no end. So I try harder, push myself too hard, and become frustrated when I fall short. I am great at impatience.
Well I was reading Melanie's blog. Her motto for 2011 was "New Year, New You." Okay, I realize that 2011 is 2/3 over. Luckily, my birthday is coming up very soon so it can apply to my year of turning 26. Which I hope will be accompanied by big risks and positive life changes.
Also, my dad bought me two orchids: a gigantic white phalaenopsis and a miniature flora gigi phalaenopsis - with pink patterned blooms. I repotted both of those and my dendrobium yesterday.
So to regroup: I need to relax more, my birthday is coming, and that means that fall is coming!
I love fall! I love the leaves changing color, the crisp fall weather, pumpkins, lazy afternoons, and the impending holiday season - I love it all!
In an attempt to enjoy life more, and learn to relax - what?! I have tried to prioritize my to-do list and assign specific tasks to specific days. Other goals for this "New Year, New You" theme:
-Conquer the clutter once and for all
-Watch less TV
-Read more
-Laugh more
-Run more
-Hack off my hair & donate to Locks of Love [just for a change]
-Play the French Horn more frequently
-Learn to play Guitar
-Relearn German
-Watch lots and lots of movies [I know, less TV but more movies? just trust me on this one]
-Stay more connected to loved ones near and far
-Devote my free time to only the things I really love and enjoy, and am genuinely motivated to do
I think that's enough for now. I think I'm off to a good start. Like I said, I've been working on the clutter since last Oct. Who knew you could accumulate so much useless stuff in 25 years?! Not only have I been reading more, but I donated a bunch of old books that I either outgrew or never read - and didn't want to read, so I can focus on checking the others off my list! My hair is getting quite long. It was driving me nuts, now I've been enjoying it - but it can always grow back! I trimmed my nails short to start learning Guitar chords, though I've admittedly only picked up my Guitar once... And I've been scrapbooking. I love it! It's both cathartic, remembering and celebrating memories, and a great way to display photographs and keepsakes!
I'm off to unplug, lay back, drink my tea and relax :-)
I'm a planner, an organizer, and I'm currently working twice the hours I was working last month.
Which means I have a constantly evolving to-do list that I am constantly trying to check off, even when I should be unwinding after work.
Sometimes I wonder if working three jobs in college while taking a full course schedule has ruined me forever...
Thank goodness I have been blessed with the privilege of meeting young women who are much better at appreciating the small details of life than I am.
Melanie is an internet friend. We grew up going to the same summer camp, and were in the same cabin my last few years. She's from NC, but now lives in DC. [Two of my favorite places in the world.] She loves runs, coffee, and quiet mornings. I like runs, love tea, and have a sincere appreciate for her view of life.
At the moment I'm sitting. Doing absolutely nothing except for typing and drinking a cup of tea.
I was taking care of a few things. I just feel myself hitting a wall.
I have been strategically, mechanically getting rid of my possessions since last October. I've made a lot of progress, but I still have this goal of moving out with all of my possessions packed into one lone car. I have gotten a break recently. I reread the entire Harry Potter series. There is no escape like that of a good book. But now I feel sluggish. I'm having difficulty getting myself back "on track."
Which, naturally irks me to no end. So I try harder, push myself too hard, and become frustrated when I fall short. I am great at impatience.
Well I was reading Melanie's blog. Her motto for 2011 was "New Year, New You." Okay, I realize that 2011 is 2/3 over. Luckily, my birthday is coming up very soon so it can apply to my year of turning 26. Which I hope will be accompanied by big risks and positive life changes.
Also, my dad bought me two orchids: a gigantic white phalaenopsis and a miniature flora gigi phalaenopsis - with pink patterned blooms. I repotted both of those and my dendrobium yesterday.
So to regroup: I need to relax more, my birthday is coming, and that means that fall is coming!

I love fall! I love the leaves changing color, the crisp fall weather, pumpkins, lazy afternoons, and the impending holiday season - I love it all!
In an attempt to enjoy life more, and learn to relax - what?! I have tried to prioritize my to-do list and assign specific tasks to specific days. Other goals for this "New Year, New You" theme:
-Conquer the clutter once and for all
-Watch less TV
-Read more
-Laugh more
-Run more
-Hack off my hair & donate to Locks of Love [just for a change]
-Play the French Horn more frequently
-Learn to play Guitar
-Relearn German
-Watch lots and lots of movies [I know, less TV but more movies? just trust me on this one]
-Stay more connected to loved ones near and far
-Devote my free time to only the things I really love and enjoy, and am genuinely motivated to do
I think that's enough for now. I think I'm off to a good start. Like I said, I've been working on the clutter since last Oct. Who knew you could accumulate so much useless stuff in 25 years?! Not only have I been reading more, but I donated a bunch of old books that I either outgrew or never read - and didn't want to read, so I can focus on checking the others off my list! My hair is getting quite long. It was driving me nuts, now I've been enjoying it - but it can always grow back! I trimmed my nails short to start learning Guitar chords, though I've admittedly only picked up my Guitar once... And I've been scrapbooking. I love it! It's both cathartic, remembering and celebrating memories, and a great way to display photographs and keepsakes!
I'm off to unplug, lay back, drink my tea and relax :-)
clean up clear out,
new beginnings,
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