I'm a planner, an organizer, and I'm currently working twice the hours I was working last month.
Which means I have a constantly evolving to-do list that I am constantly trying to check off, even when I should be unwinding after work.
Sometimes I wonder if working three jobs in college while taking a full course schedule has ruined me forever...
Thank goodness I have been blessed with the privilege of meeting young women who are much better at appreciating the small details of life than I am.
Melanie is an internet friend. We grew up going to the same summer camp, and were in the same cabin my last few years. She's from NC, but now lives in DC. [Two of my favorite places in the world.] She loves runs, coffee, and quiet mornings. I like runs, love tea, and have a sincere appreciate for her view of life.
At the moment I'm sitting. Doing absolutely nothing except for typing and drinking a cup of tea.
I was taking care of a few things. I just feel myself hitting a wall.
I have been strategically, mechanically getting rid of my possessions since last October. I've made a lot of progress, but I still have this goal of moving out with all of my possessions packed into one lone car. I have gotten a break recently. I reread the entire Harry Potter series. There is no escape like that of a good book. But now I feel sluggish. I'm having difficulty getting myself back "on track."
Which, naturally irks me to no end. So I try harder, push myself too hard, and become frustrated when I fall short. I am great at impatience.
Well I was reading Melanie's blog. Her motto for 2011 was "New Year, New You." Okay, I realize that 2011 is 2/3 over. Luckily, my birthday is coming up very soon so it can apply to my year of turning 26. Which I hope will be accompanied by big risks and positive life changes.
Also, my dad bought me two orchids: a gigantic white phalaenopsis and a miniature flora gigi phalaenopsis - with pink patterned blooms. I repotted both of those and my dendrobium yesterday.
So to regroup: I need to relax more, my birthday is coming, and that means that fall is coming!

I love fall! I love the leaves changing color, the crisp fall weather, pumpkins, lazy afternoons, and the impending holiday season - I love it all!
In an attempt to enjoy life more, and learn to relax - what?! I have tried to prioritize my to-do list and assign specific tasks to specific days. Other goals for this "New Year, New You" theme:
-Conquer the clutter once and for all
-Watch less TV
-Read more
-Laugh more
-Run more
-Hack off my hair & donate to Locks of Love [just for a change]
-Play the French Horn more frequently
-Learn to play Guitar
-Relearn German
-Watch lots and lots of movies [I know, less TV but more movies? just trust me on this one]
-Stay more connected to loved ones near and far
-Devote my free time to only the things I really love and enjoy, and am genuinely motivated to do
I think that's enough for now. I think I'm off to a good start. Like I said, I've been working on the clutter since last Oct. Who knew you could accumulate so much useless stuff in 25 years?! Not only have I been reading more, but I donated a bunch of old books that I either outgrew or never read - and didn't want to read, so I can focus on checking the others off my list! My hair is getting quite long. It was driving me nuts, now I've been enjoying it - but it can always grow back! I trimmed my nails short to start learning Guitar chords, though I've admittedly only picked up my Guitar once... And I've been scrapbooking. I love it! It's both cathartic, remembering and celebrating memories, and a great way to display photographs and keepsakes!
I'm off to unplug, lay back, drink my tea and relax :-)
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