Sunday, August 21, 2011

Baby Steps!

So on a more positive note, I was looking back through my weight journal.

[Explanation: I was MUCH healthier in high school and the beginning of college. During a relationship, and after the breakup that followed, I gained weight. A fairly significant amount of weight, especially considering my height and build. Despite completing two half marathons, I still feel like an unhealthier version of my former self. I have a spiral bound notebook that I track weight, measurements, and BMI. My reason for tracking measurements is focused around waist circumference and it's relationship with other health conditions. I am not chasing an unrealistic, Hollywood ideal. I am chasing a healthier version of myself that I know is realistic because I have achieved it in the past. A version of myself that includes lower body weight, but also reduced need for my emergency inhaler, more energy, and better self image.]

So I have been trying to make healthier decisions and I have a goal weight. [Calculated Ideal Body Weight + 10%, which is considered in the medical community to be the actual appropriate IBW for females.] Being that I went almost two months without running at all this summer, I'm nowhere near where I hope to be. But, thanks to jotting down numbers in my journal, I was flipping back and I realized that since May I have lost 10lbs and 1.5" off of my waist! Not too shabby! It is a beginning...

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