Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Try, Try Again

Today was another long day. 10hrs. Rough.

Highlights: return of the compression garments! feeding the robot (and feeding it again), and remembering to be kind. Especially to not misplace blame.

Life has been a bit rocky lately. My grandfather is in the hospital, my best friend's grandfather is dying of cancer, my coworker's grandfather became infected with gangrene and her grandmother (his wife) has been having issues regulating blood sugar. Expecting one result but receiving another. It's all tough to swallow.

I'm generally an open book. I'm not very good at keeping secrets or lying. I tend to lay it out and say how it is. (I was told I should never go into counseling once, or twice...) I am admittedly brash sometimes. These things generally don't cause any problems. As I'm getting older and becoming more responsible, I have begun to wonder if I'm too straight forward. I was thinking earlier today, wondering whether I see too many things in black and white. I focus on simple extremes more often than the complicated, messy grey areas. But life isn't that simple. It isn't black and white.

So now I wait. Wait for the grey areas to clear. To show some allegiance to white or black. I remember the words of "the Great One", Wayne Gretsky: “You miss 100% of the shots you never take.” I remember that I at least took the shot. And hope against hope in the meantime...

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